Renewable Energies

Types of renewable energy sources and infrastructure investments


Artificial Lakes: What are they? Why have they been built?

An extensive list in Italy and the rest of the world to guarantee electricity and water


Dams in Italy: which is the largest one?

Italy’s 532 dams are constantly monitored


Wind farms: how common are they in Italy?

In Italy, wind farms produce almost 6% of the total energy


More than $70 billion for U.S. dams

The Association of State Dam Safety Officials raise the alarm on the state of U.S. dams


The Gulf’s future: less oil, more clean energy

Arabian Gulf states want to develop green energy to reduce their oil dependence


The 530,000 places where to produce clean energy

A study by the Australian National University has mapped out all of the places in the world that are potential sites for a pumped-storage hydroelectricity plant


Australia’s “green revolution”

Hydroelectric power leads Australia’s shift to renewable energy sources


Snowy 2.0: Australia Boosts its Clean Energy Production

Work on the massive hydropower project is set to begin


USA: A trip to the West Coast

Iconic infrastructure of the West: from the Hoover Dam to the Golden Gate Bridge