

China’s mega-project: Bringing water to where there is none

A massive system of tunnels, canals and pipelines transport water more than 1,000 kilometres from the country’s South to its North


NASA: Five billion people face risk of water shortage

Water supply has become the challenge of the century


Australia: Renewable Energy Instead of Coal

L’Australia is investing in wind and solar power to reduce its reliance on coal to produce electricity


The US and climate change: investments needed to protect infrastructure

Climate change puts a strain on US water resource management


Building a new Chicago

Building sites, large infrastructure works and the ambition to become a city of the future


Cape Town’s serious Water Crisis before Day Zero

Cape Town set to be world’s first big city without water


Water taps run dry in Atlantic City

The US city was left without water 12 times in a single day


Chile takes on challenge of protecting its water resources

Chile is a world leader in urban wastewater treatment


The construction of the Istanbul Canal: the next Turkish megaproject

Turkish President Erdoğan has announced the start of the canal’s construction by the end of 2017, early 2018