Stories behind Projects

The stories behind infrastructure built by Webuild

Stories behind Projects

The stories behind infrastructure built by Webuild


Waiting for the bridge, Sicily revolutionizes its transport network

High-capacity trains and new highways, Webuild working to modernize transportation on the island.


Australia, Perth Airport Central Station excellence in design and architecture

The Award for Public Architecture was awarded to one of symbolic stations of sustainable mobility


Milan, M4 line: the subway linking the airport to the city center

San Babila and Tricolore: two new subway stops are opened


Food safety: Australia to build a huge fertiliser plant

The plant being built by Webuild and Saipem will become one of the world’s major urea producers


Brăila: Europe’s second-longest suspended bridge

Everything is ready for the inauguration of the bridge over the Danube that will change Romania’s transport


Rome’s C line in Piazza Venezia: at work on Europe’s largest archeological dig

Work begins on the Piazza Venezia station, a strategic hub for Rome’s subway


Southern Italy, 19 projects that will change the region

High speed rail as the lead project to connect Southern Italy with the rest of Europe


From the sea to the glass, our commitment for water

Giorgio Pratofiorito, a Fisia Italimpianti research and development engineer


Work begins on Genoa’s breakwater pier opening the way for the largest ships

The infrastructure will allow the largest container ships access to Genoa’s port. The new pier will generate an economic benefit of 4.2 billion euros