Hydraulic Risk

Hydraulic Risk: what is it and how we face it


From the sea to the glass, our commitment for water

Giorgio Pratofiorito, a Fisia Italimpianti research and development engineer


Drought and floods, California’s eternal battle

Over 50 billion dollars are necessary to upgrade the state’s water system


Hydrogeological instability: what it is and how to prevent it


Blessed by grunge rockers Mudhoney, a TBM grinds its way under Seattle

TBM MudHoney overcomes a major obstacle to its first milestone for the Ship Canal Water Quality Project


Water infrastructure, the Cinderella of Italy’s NRRP

Erasmo D’Angelis: Water infrastructure investment has been ignored by the Italian state for too long


Nearly 45% of the U.S. faces a drought risk

Fires and drought, a look at the U.S. states most at risk and what is being done


From Great Britain to the U.S., the world is in search of water

Countries are making infrastructure investments in dams and water resource management to fight drought


Climate Change: Now is the time to act

Interview with Luca Mercalli, president of the Italian Meteorological Society


The missing funds to solve Italy’s water crisis

Water: a gap of more than €7 billion between available and needed funds