Megatrends and Innovations

The future of world’s infrastracture: trends and technology that are changing our lives

Megatrends and Innovations

The future of world’s infrastracture: trends and technology that are changing our lives


Flexible City Trial Runs

Melbourne, New York, Adelaide: pioneering ideas to prepare for the future


Flexible City Trial Runs

Melbourne, New York, Adelaide: pioneering ideas to prepare for the future


Saving America from water risk

The United States needs to invest $1 trillion in the next 25 years


Saving America from water risk

The United States needs to invest $1 trillion in the next 25 years


The Middle East and North Africa: the spectre of drought

Desalination treatment that makes sea water drinkable is the hope for the future


The Middle East and North Africa: the spectre of drought

Desalination treatment that makes sea water drinkable is the hope for the future


Cities that float on the sea

From French Polynesia to Monte Carlo, work is underway to build cities in the middle of the sea


China: another $60 billion for Africa

China’s President Xi Jinping announces a new three-year investment plan for development and infrastructure


China: another $60 billion for Africa

China’s President Xi Jinping announces a new three-year investment plan for development and infrastructure