Megatrends and Innovations

The future of world’s infrastracture: trends and technology that are changing our lives

Megatrends and Innovations

The future of world’s infrastracture: trends and technology that are changing our lives


Lighting Up Latin America

The region is called on to double its installed capacity to produce electricity by 2030


The Best Conditions for Infrastructure Investment

From Singapore to the United States: Where investors are putting their money in infrastructure


The Return of Emerging Economies

By 2030, seven emerging economies will surpass the GDP of G7 member countries


Competition among Ports

Billions of dollars worth of investments in facilities and logistics at the world’s biggest ports


Public Works 2030: Who’s Pushing for Growth

In the next 15 years, the infrastructures market will grow faster than the global GDP, with China, India and the United States in the lead


Where Global Investments Go

UNCTAD report 2015: the tearing of China and the collapse of the US and Russia