

Progetto Italia: The Future of Italy’s Construction Industry

Salini Impregilo is proposing an industrial operation to create a big infrastructure hub


Genoa: the new bridge starts to take shape

Design, sustainability and technology will define the replacement of Genoa’s collapsed Morandi Bridge


U.S. bridges: the emergency in numbers

The american road & transport builders association sounds the alarm: over 47,000 bridges are at risk and the repair bill is $171 billion


China’s Greater Bay Area at high speed

Investments in sustainable mobility will connect the 11 cities in China’s Greater Bay Area


Australia Urged to Develop Electric Vehicle Charging Network

Infrastructure Australia calls for a network of charging stations for electric vehicles


Kuwait: Home to the World’s Longest Maritime Causeway

The country is set to open a causeway across its bay as it seeks to diversify its economy


The highway of the fjords

Bridges and underwater tunnels will connect the north and south of the country in a visionary project of the Norwegian government


Queensland bolsters its infrastructure investment

The Australian state of Queensland is increasing its investment in infrastructure as its population and economy grow


Bahrain: connecting with rest of the world through infrastructure

This small state is building large infrastructure projects to increase tourism and foreign trade