Development And Growth


The story of Genoa’s Morandi Bridge: from its first conception, to its collapse

The story of an engineering project that attracted a lot of attention


Sustainable infrastructure: Fiumicino’s Hubtown, an example of innovation

From airport city to development centre, from daily life to business


The Growing Popularity of Driverless Metros

Fully automated metros are being deployed at a faster pace as cities seek to accommodate growing populations


Public transport in Canada: Ottawa leads the way with its project

Ottawa is further ahead of its bigger neighbours in the latest round of public transport investment


Australia: New South Wales to invest AUD$93 billion in infrastructure

The country’s states want their federal counterpart to join them in spending more on infrastructure


Green infrastructure: the future of the U.S.

Investments in clean energy and sustainable mobility to reduce air pollution


Progetto Italia: The Future of Italy’s Construction Industry

Salini Impregilo is proposing an industrial operation to create a big infrastructure hub


A report sees more than $150 billion of projects in pipeline

A report sees the Gulf state forging ahead with projects for FIFA 2022 World Cup and beyond


Rebuild Illinois: $45 billion for infrastructure

The Illinois State government has launched a multi-billion infrastructure plan focused on the major transport hub of Chicago, creating more than 500,000 potential jobs