

Next Generation Eu, reforms and investments to way out of the crisis

An interview with Lorenzo Codogno, economist and professor at the London School of Economics


Stonehenge, the mysterious site at the center of the universe

Over a thousand years to build a unique archaeological work


Sognefjellet Road, the highest mountain road in Northern Europe


Excavation works start on new stretch of record-setting Brenner Base Tunnel

Works continue to complete the 64 kilometres (40 miles) of the world’s longest high-speed rail tunnel


Bidding farewell to Russian gas: the infrastructure challenge ahead

From ports to pipelines, Europe seeks out new infrastructure to break free from Russian gas


The Renzo Piano-designed Astrup Fearnley Museum in Oslo


Mireille: a TBM gets a female welcome as it marks its first breakthrough for a Paris metro line

TBM Mireille made its breakthrough at a station to the applause of workers


Infrastructure and the energy transition: the way beyond the war

Economist Emilio Rossi: “Modern infrastructures are needed to increase productivity and complete the energy transition process”


From Ukraine to Russia, history travels on board a train

Now key players in the Ukrainian conflict, trains have always borne witness to the history and culture of peoples