

Infrastructure and the energy transition: the way beyond the war

Economist Emilio Rossi: “Modern infrastructures are needed to increase productivity and complete the energy transition process”


From Ukraine to Russia, history travels on board a train

Now key players in the Ukrainian conflict, trains have always borne witness to the history and culture of peoples


A grand Campus for Grand Paris

The ZAC Campus Grand Parc will be built around two stations on the Grand Paris Express, the new subway extension serving the French capital.


From Ukraine to Russia, the construction sector rebus

The Big Construction plan launched by the Ukrainian government to modernise the country's infrastructure is blocked by war


The Trans-Siberian Railway, the World’s Longest: History and Talking Points


Tegel, Berlin’s Cold War-era airport, will be re-born as a technology park

The Tegel Airport re-development is the biggest urban renewal plan since the fall of the Berlin Wall


Arden Cross: the smart new transport hub close to London

Plans for a new smart city that aims to become a magnet for global investors


The underground rail tunnel connecting Genoa to Europe

The Third Valico dei Giovi-Genoa Node is being built by the general contractor led by Webuild Group


The underground rail tunnel connecting Genoa to Europe

Ligura’s capital is being reborn with over €2 billion spent on city infrastructure