New Technologies


25 de Abril Bridge in Lisbon: A Homage to Democracy


The old river of Buenos Aires comes back to life

Beneath the Rio De La Plata, a tunnel that cleans water for 4.3 million people


Innovation: testing out the future on the Webuild Group’s construction sites

Technologies, digitalisation, and sustainability in the Webuild Group’s construction sites around the world


Floating cities: the latest projects from Singapore to San Marino

Floating cities could be the new urban model of the future: here are the pioneer projects


Zaha Hadid and the world’s most intricately designed bridge

Dunes designed by architect Zaha Hadid on the Sheikh Zayed Bridge of Abu Dhabi


Smart city in the world: here are the most technological cities

London is the top-ranked out of 50 smart cities, followed by Singapore and Seoul


Robots on the worksite: the future of construction in the U.S.

A study by Midwest Economic Policy Institute (MEPI) analyses the role of automation on the construction industry


Saving water networks from breakdowns

Cities are making investments and using new technologies to maintain and improve water networks


San Gotthard Tunnel: An Engineering Work of Art

The "Workiste of the Century" opened in 1996