

New York bridges: key infrastructures for urban mobility

The bridges of New York are 789: here are the necessary investments for their maintenance


St Petersburg’s drawbridges, engineering works of art

St. Petersburg’s drawbridges raise their arms each night for massive ships


Tunneling: all the biggest American projects

Tunnel Boring Machines are at the centre of some of the biggest infrastructure projects in the U.S.


An underground highway to protect Stonehenge

The Johnson government has approved a longstanding plan to build a 3.3-kilometre (2-mile) tunnel that passes 150 meters (492 feet) from the site


Italy: infrastructure to help the country recover

Like the United States, China and the United Kingdom, Italy is setting its sights on infrastructure to help relaunch its economy


Driving the US Highway 50, the loneliest road in America

From East to West, 4,800 kilometres coast-to-coast: a trip through a great American infrastructure


The Sfalassà viaduct: man versus the elements

How one of Europe’s most spectacular bridges was built and modernised


Favazzina: the viaduct suspended in mid-air

The pride of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway is a unique example of civic engineering


Sydney Harbour Bridge: the arch bridge that transformed Sydney

From the Sydney Harbour Bridge to the new subway, the city’s race to modernity