We Build Value: the digital magazine created by Salini Impregilo


From Camp Nou to San Siro Stadium, great stadiums to protect and preserve

European football arenas are at the center of ambitious renovation projects


Florida and Disney: Infrastructure and Development around the Entertainment Industry

Construction sites are growing between Orlando and Tampa to support new mega investments by the entertainment giant


California, a Sustainable Terminal for San Diego Airport

Work continues on the modernization of San Diego International Airport, one of the busiest single-runway airports in the U.S.


London: completion of the mega-tunnel that will clean the Thames

Here is the Thames Tideway Tunnel, the largest infrastructure upgrade since the birth of London's sewage network


A New Bridge for Baltimore

The partner for the reconstruction of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which collapsed last March, will be chosen by the end of August.


Green energy: a new life for an old mine

Interview with Timothy Weber, Research Officer at the Australian National University: identifying disused mines to convert into pumped hydro energy storage schemes to help Australia rely exclusively o...


From the Alps to the cities: when hydroelectric power lit up Italy

Restarting with large dams to make the best use of water and pursue sustainable growth.


Southern Italy: Sicily accelerates the modernization of its railroads

New milestones reached for the high-capacity Palermo-Catania-Messina rail line: the work on the of the first double-track section of the Bicocca-Catenanuova line is completed


Wastewater treatment, the largest Italian project in recent years

The project, carried out by a consortium led by Fisia Italimpianti (Webuild Group) in the Vicenza area, will serve about 300,000 people.