We Build Value: the digital magazine created by Salini Impregilo


Europe wants its “own” New Silk Road

The European Union has embarked on a strategy to invest in building Asia’s infrastructure


Brisbane: A Metro Network And Beyond

Like other Australian cities, Brisbane looks beyond the projects it has on the table


Brisbane: A Metro Network And Beyond

Like other Australian cities, Brisbane looks beyond the projects it has on the table


JFK: big plans for New York City’s airport

By 2025, New York’s airport will be completely rebuilt


JFK: big plans for New York City’s airport

By 2025, New York’s airport will be completely rebuilt


The Middle East and North Africa: the spectre of drought

Desalination treatment that makes sea water drinkable is the hope for the future


The Middle East and North Africa: the spectre of drought

Desalination treatment that makes sea water drinkable is the hope for the future


China and Japan: the challenge of building South East Asia

The two superpowers challenge one another for leadership in the region’s infrastructure development


Cities that float on the sea

From French Polynesia to Monte Carlo, work is underway to build cities in the middle of the sea