We Build Value: the digital magazine created by Salini Impregilo


Genoa, a wounded city picks itself up again

From the tragic collapse of the Morandi Bridge to the construction of the new “PerGenova” viaduct


Genoa: the new bridge starts to take shape

Design, sustainability and technology will define the replacement of Genoa’s collapsed Morandi Bridge


A report sees more than $150 billion of projects in pipeline

A report sees the Gulf state forging ahead with projects for FIFA 2022 World Cup and beyond


Rebuild Illinois: $45 billion for infrastructure

The Illinois State government has launched a multi-billion infrastructure plan focused on the major transport hub of Chicago, creating more than 500,000 potential jobs


Big projects are driving Europe’s construction industry

Infrastructure works are keeping Europe’s construction industry afloat


Chuo Shinkansen: Japan’s bet on the new Tokyo-Nagoya maglev line

The new Linear Chuo Shinkansen reaches speeds of 600 kph and will be up and running from 2027


Construction: a consolidation plan to save jobs

Job protection in the building sector depends on consolidation


Half a billion dollars to save Lower Manhattan from climate change

Infrastructure investments to protect New York City from hurricanes that endanger it


Cina, un nuovo maxi collegamento sul fiume Pearl