

UNECE: climate change threatens Europe’s infrastructure

The UN calls on European countries to invest more in infrastructure to mitigate the effects of climate change


Cityringen metro: the construction of the new M3 line

On March 6, Copenhagen’s new metro line will be open to external visitors for the first time


Sognefjord: a floating tunnel beneath the water

An innovative $25 billion tunnel submerged in the waters of a fjord


Genoa: the worksite that won’t stop for Coronavirus

Genoa’s new bridge has now reached the length of one kilometre (0.62 miles), since work has continued despite the Covid-19 thanks to strict safety measures.


Genoa: voices from the bridge

Stories, experiences and commitments from the men and women racing against time to finish Genoa’s new bridge


Voices from the bridge: From the drawing board to the real world – episode I


UK: Healing the economy in times of coronavirus

The government has announced plans to spend $825 billion on developing the country’s infrastructure


HS2: Great Britain’s bullet train

A new high-speed rail network will connect great britain’s largest cities


London: infrastructure sector needs more women

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan wants to see more women employed in the infrastructure sector