New Challenges


Infrastructure Australia: its to-do list for 2020

Infrastructure Australia: 147 projects for $38 billion in 2020


HS2: Great Britain’s bullet train

A new high-speed rail network will connect great britain’s largest cities


London: infrastructure sector needs more women

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan wants to see more women employed in the infrastructure sector


Trump: let’s work together on infrastructure

US President Donald Trump called for bipartisan support for a $1 trillion plan to improve the nation’s infrastructure


Genoa bridge: pillars are now complete

Work has wrapped on the last of the 18 pillars that will support the new bridge replacing the collapsed Morandi


Jakarta: its future rides the subway

Indonesia is planning to spend $40 billion to build a new subway system in Jakarta


The Sepulveda Transit Corridor: Sustainable Transport for a better Los Angeles

A new metro line will connect the Los Angeles International Airport with the San Fernando Valley


New South Wales fires: AUD1 billion to save its infrastructure

The government is spending the funds to repair roads, bridges, railways and schools from fire damage


Climate-resilient infrastructure urgently needed to cope with climate change

Sustainable mobility, clean energy, and efficient water management: the infrastructure that can save the planet