

Brussels Atomium: Features of a Work of Architecture that Defies Definition


San Paolo Stadium: History and Interesting Facts about the Future Maradona Stadium of Naples


Southern Italy short on water: a crisis in the ‘Mezzogiorno’

The Recovery Plan response and the need for investment to secure and stabilise southern Italy’s water supply


France: $118 billion to leave Covid-19 behind

The French government-approved Plan de Relance focuses on investments and simplification


AlpTransit, the high-speed rail crossing the Alps

A train route passing through mountains reaching 2,200 meters high (7,218 feet) to connect northern and southern Europe


The Scandinavian peninsula’s great leap into the future

Bridges, highways and tunnels: Sweden and Norway preparing for major infrastructure works


Investments and fresh starts: the global post-Covid challenge

Exclusive interview with Marta Dassù, Senior Advisor for European Affairs of the Aspen Institute and publisher of Aspenia magazine


London: making a fresh start with the Elizabeth Line

As British capital struggles through Covid-19, it looks ahead to 2022 when its massive new subway line will open its doors.


Paris Metro construction work does not stop for Covid-19

From the Grand Paris Express to the city’s Metro lines, the future of transport is sustainable mobility